Tuckford Bunny Press
© 2024 William Frank | Tuckford Bunny Press | Selden, NY | Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication or website may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.
While you’re here, also check out Alymous , my poetry podcast with co-host and fellow poet DW Stojek. Everyone likes poetry in Hell!
All books are available at Amazon and other retailers. Book information, and samples from them, are available by clicking the View All TBP Books stamp to the right or via the Books link in the menu at the top. The books can also be previewed at their respective Amazon pages. There's lots to love and sing in them so I hope you visit!
Books for people like you. Welcome to the Wunderkammer that is all things William Frank , an author of eight books of poetry and one heartwarming novel, a sweet monster and swashbuckling advocate for the impish imagination that makes poems and stories so vital and so much lovely fun. Here you'll find links to samples from the books, radio interviews, audio readings of select poems, tandem poetry sites, as well as a link to my Panjandrum for Poetry Blog so we can exchange ideas, alternate between frivolity and gravity and otherwise keep up to date! Feel free to click around and send me questions, comments or other synaptic phenomena via the Contact link.
** New Kindle versions now available for our most popular books!
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A great weekend at the 2024 NYC Poetry Festival! See the Photos!
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William Frank defeats Cryptid in local Mall, saves badly eaten mystery shopper!
new! Read The BookBag UK Review Read The BookBag UK Review Read The Kirkus Review Read The Kirkus Review Get Yours Here! Get Yours Here!
The Reviews for The Grave Listeners Are In!
Tuckford Bunny Press
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Tuckford Bunny Press
Welcome to the Wunderkammer that is all things William Frank , an author of eight books of poetry and one heartwarming novel, a sweet monster and a swashbuckling advocate for the impish imagination that makes poems and stories so vital and so much lovely fun. Here you'll find links to samples from the books, a radio interview, audio readings of select poems, tandem poetry sites, as well as a link to my Panjandrum for Poetry Blog so we can exchange ideas, alternate between frivolity and gravity and otherwise keep up to date! Feel free to click around and send me questions, comments or other synaptic phenomena via the Contact link.
© 2024 William Frank | Tuckford Bunny Press | Selden, NY | Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication or website may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.
Check out the Interview at the Bookends Review! While you’re here, also check out Alymous , my poetry podcast with co-host and fellow poet DW Stojek. Everyone likes poetry in Hell! All books are available at Amazon and other retailers. Samples are available by clicking the Book images above or via the Books link in the menu at the top. The books can also be previewed at their respective Amazon pages. There's lots to love and sing in them so I hope you visit!
Global News 1 1 2 2 3 3
William Frank defeats Cryptid in local Mall, saves badly eaten mystery shopper!
Books for people like you.
new! Read The BookBag UK Review Read The BookBag UK Review Read The Kirkus Review Read The Kirkus Review
Tuckford Bunny Press
4 4
A great weekend at the 2024 NYC Poetry Festival! See the Photos!
** New Kindle versions now available for our most popular books!
Get Yours Here! Get Yours Here!
The Reviews for The Grave Listeners Are In!