Tuckford Bunny Press
© 2025 William Frank | Tuckford Bunny Press | Selden, NY | Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication or website may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

The Deputation of Folly

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$12.95, 51 pages
A collection of sonnets that explores the complexities of Folly and puts human nature to the question. It is a studied consideration of the things we laugh about, an investigation of the constitution of humor, a journey through the spiritual wilds of snickering abandon. What value the poems have as monuments to Folly, their failure or delight, depends on the depth of your schadenfreude; and however you come to an understanding of human nature, it is invariably true that it is not possible to be sane when laughing. From what gulf can we therefore reconcile our Reason with our stupidity? This book is the gulf...
See sample poems below…
The Quilting Club of St. Theodina Paragon, Heart of Mercy Let’s start a quilt for which we can all be proud after all that nonsense that happened last Tuesday and really showcase our needle turn appliqué while using some fun jelly rolls to make a shroud for Judy, that insufferable, guzzling bitch before she returns from her trip to Saint-Tropez and tells us all again the proper way to be an asshole about every little stitch.   Unfortunately, the shroud was too chubby and too short so they beat up her fawning friend Brenda for sport, with her own walker, and then she was smothered. Judy was simply set on fire with a propane torch and what was left shoved under Mildred’s porch which led to the state’s largest one day arrest of grandmothers.
The Coroner in Sunlight It was a somewhat somber Grand Opening at Headspace, the new Burger Shop and Thai Chicken Cafe, because of a massacre earlier in the day when the now ex-Manager snapped and shot up the place. “How many times do we have to suffer this National disgrace?!” cried Ted Lickey, refilling an iced tea and waving his gun. Though the crowd concurred, it panicked everyone so they drew their rifles and shot each other in the face while enjoying the two-dollar Chicken bucket and cornbread, blowing out the windows and the french fry machine, a whole clip going through Lickey's balls and spleen, hitting a table of grandmothers behind him in their heads who spun firing into the new Manager, Pauline, who enfiladed a service dog and covey of teens.
Bigfoot Science of St. Paul In hindsight, we wouldn't have expected to see one in the mall and I guess he was missing some of the tell-tale Sasquatch signs though the odor was there, the fartface, the advanced hairline that started at the back of his neck and ended past his balls well, yes, Officer, we could've used some more scientific discretion but when this big dumb cryptid put us in a Belgian Headlock and started ramming our faces into his dirty Bigfoot cock after asking a very simple "Are You a Fucking Sasquatch" question it tells me, Sir, we were very clearly on the right track and my only regret, beyond the biting & trampling at Shake Shack that spilled over into the JC Penney and erupted in gunplay between us and, of course, the fire and the people that died, was the fact that we weren't able to take the creature outside but we were afraid he would just jump in his car and drive away!
Tuckford Bunny Press
© 2025 William Frank | Tuckford Bunny Press | Selden, NY | Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication or website may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.
Buy Now Buy Now
$12.95, 51 pages
The Deputation of Folly
A collection of sonnets that explores the complexities of Folly and puts human nature to the question. It is a studied consideration of the things we laugh about, an investigation of the constitution of humor, a journey through the spiritual wilds of snickering abandon. What value the poems have as monuments to Folly, their failure or delight, depends on the depth of your schadenfreude; and however you come to an understanding of human nature, it is invariably true that it is not possible to be sane when laughing. From what gulf can we therefore reconcile our Reason with our stupidity? This book is the gulf...
See sample poems below…
The Quilting Club of St. Theodina Paragon, Heart of Mercy Let’s start a quilt for which we can all be proud after all that nonsense that happened last Tuesday and really showcase our needle turn appliqué while using some fun jelly rolls to make a shroud for Judy, that insufferable, guzzling bitch before she returns from her trip to Saint-Tropez and tells us all again the proper way to be an asshole about every little stitch.   Unfortunately, the shroud was too chubby and too short so they beat up her fawning friend Brenda for sport, with her own walker, and then she was smothered. Judy was simply set on fire with a propane torch and what was left shoved under Mildred’s porch which led to the state’s largest one day arrest of grandmothers.
The Coroner in Sunlight It was a somewhat somber Grand Opening at Headspace, the new Burger Shop and Thai Chicken Cafe, because of a massacre earlier in the day when the now ex-Manager snapped and shot up the place. “How many times do we have to suffer this National disgrace?!” cried Ted Lickey, refilling an iced tea and waving his gun. Though the crowd concurred, it panicked everyone so they drew their rifles and shot each other in the face while enjoying the two-dollar Chicken bucket and cornbread, blowing out the windows and the french fry machine, a whole clip going through Lickey's balls and spleen, hitting a table of grandmothers behind him in their heads who spun firing into the new Manager, Pauline, who enfiladed a service dog and covey of teens.
Bigfoot Science of St. Paul In hindsight, we wouldn't have expected to see one in the mall and I guess he was missing some of the tell-tale Sasquatch signs though the odor was there, the fartface, the advanced hairline that started at the back of his neck and ended past his balls well, yes, Officer, we could've used some more scientific discretion but when this big dumb cryptid put us in a Belgian Headlock and started ramming our faces into his dirty Bigfoot cock after asking a very simple "Are You a Fucking Sasquatch" question it tells me, Sir, we were very clearly on the right track and my only regret, beyond the biting & trampling at Shake Shack that spilled over into the JC Penney and erupted in gunplay between us and, of course, the fire and the people that died, was the fact that we weren't able to take the creature outside but we were afraid he would just jump in his car and drive away!